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  1. agent-Achika Aug 17, 2022

    Gd Aftn Dioma!
    -How are U?
    Ur wallpapers are rly pretty.
    How long have you been making them?
    -Ever traveled outside of Sweden?
    -Got any fun hobbies?
    -Got a fun career?

  2. akiranyo Feb 08, 2019

    Im always saying that I hang the whole thing onto the nail but I always get back after several months. 2018 I even poured out somehow 4 wallpapers, Im not even now sure how I did.
    To say the truth I dont know anybody else active from old AP, except Aladdin who does art on DA for cash and sometimes makes a One Piece wallpaper for own pleasure.
    I can even imagine that a lot of them has a family and even forgot that we did what we did back there.

  3. akiranyo Feb 08, 2019

    Guess neither of us is too active, but is good to see that you show up once per while. I hope you are well. I miss our times back on AP.

  4. Steffi1690 Moderator Nov 11, 2017

    Quote by Dioma

    Quote by Steffi1690 Please if you create new tags, report them.

    The forum thread is empty, do I submit a scan and then report it?

    The forum thread is not empty. It is clearly described what you need to do.
    You created the tag "Assassin's Creed Origins" and some names for the charas but you didn't report them. Please keep in mind, when creating new tags report them in this forum. So we the mods can tag it as game or serie or whatever.

  5. Steffi1690 Moderator Nov 11, 2017

    Please if you create new tags, report them.

  6. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Jul 15, 2017

    Thank you for the favs on my Kuroshitsuji walls! :)

    Tainted Bliss by elisadevelon Empty Promise by elisadevelon

  7. srsn Apr 06, 2016

    Thanks for the +fave on my wallpaper

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